

An 荣誉学位 is a degree for which Hardin-Simmons大学 has waived all the usual academic requirements. 它也被拉丁短语所熟知 作为一种荣誉授予的 (“为了荣誉”)或 广告honorem (“敬荣幸”).

The granting of 荣誉学位s is a long-st和ing tradition of universities 和 is not lightly given. 授予荣誉学位应被视为大学表达其理想和认可杰出成就的一种方法. 它为取得非凡成就的人提供了大学的适当认可,并在其接受者身上体现了大学的最高目标和理想. The 荣誉学位, therefore, represents the highest award given by HSU’s 校董会.

这一荣誉学位是为了表彰个人的非凡成就和成就,这些成就具有持续的和显著的重要性. 候选人对PG电子游戏的宗旨和理想的特殊贡献可能会被考虑. 可以考虑那些代表大学最高理想的候选人,并在他们的行动和成就中明显表现出这些品质.

在整个过程中, 截止到官方公布的时间, 在任何情况下都必须严格保密. All discussion regarding c和idates should be limited to current 教师 和 trustees. The dignity 和 integrity of the institution 和 of the c和idates should be honored throughout the process.

Under no circumstances should the nominee be informed that his or her name has been put forward. 并不是所有优秀的候选人都能得到认可, 和 knowledge of a failed nomination can be embarrassing 和 harmful.

进一步, the nominator should not solicit letters of support on behalf of the nominee from people outside the University. A nomination including letters from outside sources will be disqualified.

The identity of nominators shall not normally be conveyed to the members of the Honorifics Committee.

The c和idates to be chosen for eligibility will exemplify Hardin-Simmons大学’s values as an institution, 坚定的完整性, 不妥协的性格, 基督徒的见证, 并满足 至少两个 标准如下所述.

  1. 专业成就: Academic 和 industry accomplishments with sustained achievements of distinction; 有影响力的 contributions within business, 政府, 学术界, 军事, 和/or entrepreneurialism; national/global honors awarded within discipline or interdisciplinary achievements; significant discoveries 和 research; highest level of academic scholarship 和 recognition.
  2. 服务承诺: Impact 和 contributions to nation 和 humanity; transformational, 有影响力的, 和 innovative 领导; significant impact 和 development 和 mentorship of others; demonstrated commitment to benefiting society; entrepreneurially inspired contributions; commercialization efforts that bring elements to life for positive universal influence.
  3. PG电子游戏承诺: 深刻的承诺, 参与, 领导, 和 service toward the University; exceptional participation, 示范, 以及对提高学生素质的承诺, 教师, 和 on-campus 参与; 和 generosity toward the evolution of making Hardin-Simmons大学 和 the community a better place.

The Committee is particularly interested in c和idates from diverse backgrounds, 以及那些成就可能有助于突出大学发展出特殊优势的领域的人.

Please note that the following nominations will NOT be considered:

  1. 现有大学荣誉学位持有人.
  2. 自我提名或提案,如果有任何理由相信预期的收件人鼓励或积极参与提名.
  3. Nominations of political figures who are currently serving in office.
  4. 哈佛大学在职教职员工和校董提名. These are eligible for consideration five years after their departure or retirement from HSU. 在特殊情况下, a 教师 or 工作人员 member or Trustee could be considered one year after departure or retirement from HSU.

哈佛大学不授予死后或缺席的荣誉学位. 应征者是否不可用, his or her nomination may be carried over to a subsequent year for reconsideration.

Generally, no more than three such degrees may be awarded in any given academic year. 如果授予多个学位, they can be divided between the two graduations in any way or may be presented at any one ceremony.


Nominations may be made by Hardin-Simmons大学 alumni (graduates 和 exes), 教师, 工作人员, emeriti教员, 和 members of the university’s recognized boards including Boards of Trustees, 发展, 校友会, 和Young Associates.


提名可在任何时间提交. 由于程序上的考虑, the best time to submit a nomination is no later than May 1 or November 1. Approved nominations will be active for three years from the date of approval by the Committee. Approved nominations will be revisited annually 和 may be renewed for an additional three-year period.


The University may award 荣誉学位s at either of its bi-annual graduation ceremonies. The award of 荣誉学位s may not necessarily involve a commencement address. A citation will be read by an appropriate university representative, 收信人可能会被要求做出三分钟的回应.


All nominations shall be seriously considered if accompanied by sufficient supporting data. Nominations should include as much biographical 和 other supporting information as possible, but the nominees may not be contacted prior to approval by the Board. The nomination process is confidential, 和 nominees should not know that they are being considered.

最成功的提名是彻底的,并表明被提名人与大学及其努力之间的关系. 提名应进一步显示被提名者如何符合评选标准,并概述被提名者的成就和贡献.

The identity of nominators shall not normally be conveyed to the members of the Honorifics Committee.


提名应通过网上提交 荣誉学位提名 form, located on the Hardin-Simmons大学 website, with all attachments, including:

A. 摘要陈述, 不超过两页(12pt字体)被提名人的职业生涯和成就以及是否适合获得荣誉学位. The statement should clearly present a case indicating the profound impact that the nominee’s career has made. 应回答以下问题:

    1. 被提名人贡献的具体内容是什么?
    2. 这个贡献的原创性是什么?
    3. Of all possible contributors to the field of endeavor, why is this nominee of exceptional merit?
    4. How has the nominee’s 基督徒的见证 – faith – influence been visible?

B. A two-line draft of an appropriate citation to be used should the degree be conferred. 引用的一个例子:

“表彰她在消除世界饥饿和为饱受战争蹂躏的地区带来和平方面做出的杰出贡献, 哈佛大学校董会将最高奖项授予简·多伊.”

C. The c和idate’s curriculum vitae or similar document list publications or equivalent measure of achievement.

To ask a question about 荣誉学位s, please contact us at (325) 670-1377 or honorarydegrees@wfyxwl.com.


The Hardin-Simmons大学 Honorifics Committee is responsible for reviewing all 荣誉学位 nominations. 该委员会将由四名由董事局主席委任的受托人及三名由大学校长委任的教职员组成. The President of the University 和 the Chairman of the Board will be ex-officio, 无表决权的委员会成员.


委员会将在理事会定期会议期间(及/或一年中的任何时间)举行适当的会议。. 委员会在提出建议的具体开学日期前12-16个月开展工作.

  1. Nominations received throughout any given academic year are reviewed, 由授勋委员会审核及排名.
  2. 最佳候选人将被提交给董事会,在下次会议上进行考虑.
  3. Those so affirmed are presented by the President at a 教师 Meeting. 排名的提名将被考虑批准.
  4. 学院的肯定或不肯定结果将由大学校长退还给委员会.
    1. 成功的候选人将在理事会下届会议期间提交给受托人,由委员会最终批准. In all cases, the decision of the 校董会 will be binding.
    2. 未被教员认可的候选人将被送回委员会,并提供有关决定的信息, 供进一步审查和考虑. 经过这样的审查和考虑, the un-endorsed c和idates may or may not be presented by the Committee, 由其自行决定, 提交董事会最后批准.
  5. 大学希望授予个人荣誉学位的正式通知由校长代表荣誉委员会发出, 校董会, 及中大学院. 总统将安排在总统和受奖人双方都同意的定期毕业典礼上授予学位.


纪律 标准
XXX荣誉博士.XX. h.c. HSU’s Registrar may adjust the degree format to match current protocols
神性 神职人员,宗教研究领域的PG电子游戏 
工程 技术 因完成技术创新而取得卓越成就的工程师/应用科学家/技术人员, 和/or producing transformative applied or basic research while making science useful; 和/or exercising exceptional 和 visionary administrative or institutional 领导 in engineering/applied science/technology
艺术 视觉艺术: 从事绘画的艺术家, 雕塑, 戏剧, 体系结构, 摄影, 跳舞, 平面艺术, 设计

音乐艺术: 表演者,指挥家,作曲家 | 在极少数情况下,可能会包括这些领域的管理员

人道的信件 Fields related to or of Business | Fields related to or of Education | Persons who have made contributions to society 和 do not fit other categories
人文学科 Scholars in the social sciences or humanities; administrators in related fields
法律 法学家、法律PG电子游戏、外交官、公共政治家
科学 Scholars in science fields including medicine; health administrators; scholars in biomedical sciences; practitioners of health sciences, 自然科学, 正式的科学, 应用科学

If Nominations received 和 reviewed throughout the 2028-2029 academic year.

在会议上提供给每位获奖者 PG电子游戏的荣誉学位

An 荣誉学位 大学(或其他学位授予机构)是否已经放弃了所有通常的要求. 它也被拉丁短语所熟知 作为一种荣誉授予的 (“为了荣誉”)或 广告honorem (“敬荣幸”).

PG电子游戏的政策遵循惯例,即荣誉博士学位获得者被要求不使用“博士”头衔.一般通信, although in formal correspondence from HSU it is normal to address the recipient by the title.

进一步, it should always made clear that the degree is honorary by adding “honorary” or “作为一种荣誉授予的” or “h.c.” in parentheses after the degree title or by preceding the degree letters with “Hon.,比如“亲爱的。. DHL.”
