Dr. Peter James Flamming

Pastor, BA 1955

Peter James Flamming was born February 3, 1934, 在离伯灵顿小镇八英里的一个农舍里, Colorado, to Peter and Elsie Flamming. 吉姆在亚利桑那州的弗拉格斯塔夫开始上学,他的父亲是那里的浸信会牧师. The family eventually moved to Oxnard, California, 吉姆被选为奥克斯纳德高中的优秀运动员. 这使他在1951年获得了PG电子游戏的足球奖学金.

While at HSU, Jim lettered in football for three years, was president of the senior class, 入选“美国高校名人录”,” was included in Alpha Chi, the national collegiate honor society, serving as its president, and graduated summa cum laude as second in his class.

During his sophomore year, 吉姆放弃了音乐专业,成为一名牧师, 将主修专业改为历史,辅修英语和心理学. He studied under Dr. Rupert N. Richardson, Drs. Hoyt and Lena Ford, and Dr. Lindell Harris, 新当选的圣经和宗教系主任, finding great encouragement under their influence.

Also while a student, Jim met Shirley Northcutt, 阿比林第一浸信会教堂前牧师的女儿. 1955年,吉姆毕业后不久,他们结婚了.

The newlyweds began their ministry in Eastland, Texas, at Bethel Baptist Church, which has recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. While serving at Bethel, 1959年,他获得了沃斯堡西南浸信会神学院的神学学士学位, 1963年获得神学博士学位, specializing in New Testament.

曾担任浸信会学生会主席,并在丹顿的德克萨斯女子大学担任圣经教师, 吉姆先后成为帕克城浸信会和达拉斯皇家巷浸信会的副牧师, respectively, 1966年,他接受了阿比林第一浸信会的牧师职位. Jim remained as pastor of FBC Abilene for 17 years, 他还担任HSU和Hendrick Medical Center的董事会成员, 也是德州浸信会总会执行委员会主席, preaching the annual convention sermon in 1972. Elected as a vice president of the BGCT, 吉姆还曾担任外交使团委员会的成员, and as chaplain of the HSU Alumni Association. 在当地,他担任了两届阿比林浸信会协会的主持人.

1983年,他们被召到弗吉尼亚州里士满的第一浸信会教堂. 建于1780年独立战争期间,它仍然是一个充满活力的历史市中心教堂. While in Richmond, 吉姆在彼得·德鲁克的指导下磨练了自己的领导才能, 通常被认为是美国领导和管理学院的院长. 在为里士满的会众和社区服务超过23年之后, 12月31日,吉姆从里士满第一浸信会牧师的职位上退休, 2006.

In addition to his denominational activities, 比如在韦科贝勒大学特鲁特神学院的董事会任职, Texas, and the Baptist World Alliance General Council, 在广播和电视上为浸信会时间讲道, 并成为里士满浸信会神学院的兼职教授, Jim also has published books and articles. His books include The New You, God and Creation, 在黑暗中戳洞和其他你睡不着的布道. 他协助彼得·德鲁克撰写了《PG电子游戏》一书, 并为主日学校课程和《PG电子游戏》撰写文章, Baptist Student, Upward, Southwestern Journal of Theology, and Pulpit Digest.

吉姆也曾在许多场合担任客座牧师, including revivals, lecture series, student weeks, Holy Week services, 以及在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的东非十字军. In 2003, 吉姆应邀在国家大教堂为维吉尼亚州布道, 这使它成为周日参加人数第二多的州. 受邀布道本身就是一种荣誉,因为吉姆不是圣公会的牧师.

吉姆一直被认为是一个非常正直的人. In 1981, 吉姆被评为阿比林十大最有影响力的领导人之一, the only clergyman chosen. 他的其他奖项还包括哈佛大学授予的荣誉博士学位, the Distinguished Alumni Award, also from HSU, the W.T. 获西南浸信会神学院康纳奖优秀学生, 并被公认为“美国杰出青年”之一.他是2001年由全国社区与正义会议颁发的人道主义奖的获得者, 2006年,他获得了由美国童子军弗吉尼亚之心委员会颁发的好牧人徽章. This last award has special meaning for Jim, 因为他在自己还是童子军的时候就获得了上帝与国家荣誉勋章. As a citizen of Richmond, VA, 他被认为是“里士满最鼓舞人心的牧师”,,并被选为该市20世纪最具影响力的100位领导人之一.

同时把他们的奉献奉献给政府部门, Jim and his wife, Shirley, dedicate time to the mission field, 每年拿出一部分假期到肯尼亚这些地方服务, Tanzania, Brazil, Spain, Costa Rica, China, Hong Kong, Austria, and England.

Jim also enjoys civic service, sitting on the Century II Committee in Abilene, the Board of Directors for the Abilene YMCA, the Abilene Housing Authority, the Abilene Boys Club, and participating in “The Club,里士满的一个男女文学兴趣团体, Virginia, formed in 1885. 他的爱好包括园艺、弹钢琴、摄影、飞行和高尔夫球.

他和雪莉是三个孩子的父母.D., Dave (who passed away in 1991 of leukemia), and Doug, 他们生活中最大的快乐之一就是他们的八个孙子.

当他被通知进入领袖堂时, Jim sent HSU this statement, “Upon leaving home from Oxnard, California, to attend Hardin-Simmons University, 他母亲递给他腓立比书第1章第6节:“我本以为坦然无惧, 叫那在你们心里动了善工的,必存到基督耶稣的日子.“他很荣幸在这一天从他深爱的PG电子官方免费下载学校接受这一荣誉.”

PG电子游戏很荣幸能够表彰她自己的一位,并正式将彼得·詹姆斯·弗拉明(Peter James Flamming)引入哈佛大学领袖堂.